Chopping wood

By James age 11

Every fall my family and I chop wood. We got a splitter from our neighbors and it looks like this.

We use a stump at the bottom of the splitter so that the logs can sit on it. that makes it easier to split them.

This fall I learned how to chop wood with an ax because my dad got two more axes so more of us could split at the same time to make it go faster.

After the logs are split, we stack them at the side of the house.

We use the wood for fuel in the winter to warm up the house. We have a wood burning stove to burn the wood.

It's my job to bring in the wood, someone is in charge of emptying the ash bucket, and someone is in charge of building the fires. Sometimes in the middle of the night we have to put another log on the fire to keep the house warm.

I have learned that some of the logs are naturally split and I usually go for those because they are easier to split. I see symbolism in nature. The symbolism I see is, Satan will try to go for the weaker parts of us. We need to strengthen ourselves by reading the scriptures, praying, going to church, and keeping the commandments of God. I am grateful for being able to work in nature and see the symbolism in it.


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