

by Lucy age 11

My brother and I were saving and saving money for a pony. We had saved $250.

Then I felt very strongly that I should text a woman that my neighbor had suggested

I contact about a pony. She said that she had a male that is really nice and she would

sell him to us for $600. 

With the gelding (which means that the male can't make the 

female pregnant), would be $800. I thought that that was cheap.  Then I told her that 

we had saved $250. She said that we should play with our pony over the summer and 

that she would sell him to us for $250. That's so amazing!!! SO we are going to get 

him in a few week and I am so excited!!! Now my brother and I are saving more 

money to get the supplies and right now we are not able to get a hold of a person 

that has horse panels. I am kind of frustrated because I only have a few weeks to 

get ready for him. I will update about it in my next post.


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