The Treasures by Lizzy

The Treasures
By Lizzy, age 6

We made treasures.  They were made of sticks and rocks.  James, Lucy and I built them.  We did an eyeball of a dinosaur and some teeth.  We also made a brain and some other cool stuff out of rocks.

We buried them in the dirt by our house.  It was fun to dig it and put stuff in the holes.

This is me using my shovel.  My Nana gave it to me for my birthday!

We used sticks to make an "X" to mark where they were buried. 

We dug them back up and pretended we were finding buried treasure. 

I like to play outside.  I like being outside more than inside because it's fun that we can swing and slide and go down the fire pole.

I have lots of dirt to play in!

We find cool stuff in the rock piles.  In the dirt we find clods that look like teeth.  I can't find those things inside.  There are no rocks or dirt inside.  Well, okay, there is some dirt inside sometimes but not like outside. 


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