The New Foal

by James 
age 11

Yesterday morning we went outside to do our outside chores and in our neighbor's yard a horse had given birth to a newborn foal. (Which is a baby horse.)

 Our neighbors were at school and work so they didn't know about the foal.

  We saw the afterbirth on the ground.

 The afterbirth is the sack that the foal was living in inside the mother.

The foal was nursing on its mom. The mom is brown with a white ankle.

I drew this but realized that goats nurse this way, but horses don't.  They stand up to nurse. 

 On her head she has a diamond shaped patch of white on her face.

Lucy's drawing

The foal is brown with white legs and a white face.

Lizzy drew this

 I love watching the animals come into this world and grow up here.


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