
Showing posts from May, 2019

Family Games

By Lucy age 9 Every night our family gets together we play family games. It is so fun to play with my family!  It is also exciting because my two oldest brothers are engaged.   We love to play Apples to Apples and Telestrations.  Last night we played games and watched a comedian.  It was so fun to play games with my family.  As a family we love to play games together.  One Monday night we played kickball in our backyard and it was so much fun.

The New Foal

by James  age 11 Yesterday morning we went outside to do our outside chores and in our neighbor's yard a horse had given birth to a newborn foal. (Which is a baby horse.)  Our neighbors were at school and work so they didn't know about the foal.   We saw the afterbirth on the ground.  The afterbirth is the sack that the foal was living in inside the mother. The foal was nursing on its mom. The mom is brown with a white ankle. I drew this but realized that goats nurse this way, but horses don't.  They stand up to nurse.   On her head she has a diamond shaped patch of white on her face. Lucy's drawing The foal is brown with white legs and a white face. Lizzy drew this  I love watching the animals come into this world and grow up here.

The Kids' Garden

By Lucy  age 9 We planted a garden by the road and it has lettuce, basil, watermelon, cabbage, spinach and sunflowers.    We love to water it and we love to show our friends.  There is a bridge that goes to a little hill and it is so much fun to go over there and look at our garden.   I am really excited for when they sprout because I have never planted lettuce before.  What I love about it is the sign that says "Kids' Garden".

The Treasures by Lizzy

The Treasures By Lizzy, age 6 We made treasures.  They were made of sticks and rocks.  James, Lucy and I built them.  We did an eyeball of a dinosaur and some teeth.  We also made a brain and some other cool stuff out of rocks. We buried them in the dirt by our house.  It was fun to dig it and put stuff in the holes. This is me using my shovel.  My Nana gave it to me for my birthday! We used sticks to make an "X" to mark where they were buried.  We dug them back up and pretended we were finding buried treasure.  I like to play outside.  I like being outside more than inside because it's fun that we can swing and slide and go down the fire pole. I have lots of dirt to play in! We find cool stuff in the rock piles.  In the dirt we find clods that look like teeth.  I can't find those things inside.  There are no rocks or dirt inside.  Well, okay, there is some dirt inside sometime...