
Showing posts from January, 2019

Dog Sled

By Lucy age 8             We were driving up to go dog sledding and we brought our own wooden dog sled.             When we got there we hooked up the team.  Then we started going. It was a smooth ride and it was super fun.  We went down a steep hill and we couldn't stop.   We almost hit into someone else but we stopped before we hit into them but I still had fun.

The Secret Passage

By Lucy age 8 I go through the passage and it leads to the grass.  This is the first part of The Secret Passage  Through the passage it isn't muddy  and the roosters crow down at the pasture.   Living on a farm is a miracle.   This is the second part of The Passage The passage  leads to the miracle.   The last part until I get to the grass Down at the grass I can see the mountains. The miracle that is  through my heart and through my eyes I can see what God has given me.  The most  happiness you can ever get is living on a farm.

The Eclipse and a Snow Storm

by James, age 11 We stood out on the deck watching the lunar eclipse. While we were watching we saw shooting stars. We could see them so clearly because we don't have a lot of light in the country. Our friend, Alma took this picture  In the morning it started to rain so it was muddy. Then it started to snow. We haven't had snow in a long time.  Lucy and I got on the barn. The barn was icy. We barely held on. Then Mom asked us to come down because it was slippery. In the afternoon some of the snow melted off and the ground was muddy again. But at night the ground froze. I love living on a homestead.

My Winter Morning

by Chase, age 13 I woke up to my alarm going off at 7am on a cold winter day. Mom was picking up my older sisters so I was the oldest one home. I got up and looked out my window to see a few inches of snow on the ground and it was still falling. Outside the window The snow made me happy because it meant the ground was frozen and I wouldn’t be sloshing around in the mud while doing my chores like I had been doing for the past few days. I went into the garage to get some wood to make a fire as my three younger siblings woke up. (It's my job to make sure there is plenty of wood into the garage every day). While they were warming up by the fire, I made some eggs and potato patties out of the leftover mashed potatoes we had the night before. (They were made from the blue potatoes we harvested last fall so they look kind of purple). Our farm fresh eggs Potato patties made from blue potatoes Mom was home by the time we finished breakfast.  We made o...

The Barn

The Barn By Lucy     I was standing on the roof of the barn and I smelled the sweet smell of snow. Then later in the day     it started to snow.  I know the difference between snow and rain. Snow is a mixture of water and ice. Rain smells different and stronger. You will know when it is going to rain.  A long time ago I was  sitting on the barn and I smelled the rain coming. I could smell the rain better on the barn. It was the sweet smell of rain and it was so strong that I could smell it so clearly. I could feel the wind rushing through my hair and I just felt so blessed that I could live on a farm.